Snyder ISD wants to provide you with information that you find helpful. Please let us know if you would like to learn more about the following topics, or suggest your own ideas. We will host virtual Q&A sessions on the topics you vote for!
Catch up on the latest news on today's episode of SHS Today!
Snyder Primary School is dismissing early due to weather. Specific information was sent out to families on ParentSquare.
The early release is due to less overhead coverage to keep students out of the bad weather.
Snyder Intermediate will dismiss at the usual time, but there will be no tutorials or UIL practices today.
Snyder Junior High and Snyder High School will release on schedule.
Tennis matches will be rescheduled.
We will continue to notify families via ParentSquare, facebook, and the SISD website of any other cancellations or schedule changes.
🚨🚨Important Bug Fix for the ParentSquare/StudentSquare App! 🚨🚨
If you are unable to send direct messages through ParentSquare / StudentSquare, be sure your app is up to date!
How to manually update iOS apps in App Store:
How to update Android apps in Google Play Store:
For more information on how to use ParentSquare, visit:
Ms. Rowland‘s class at Snyder Intermediate School is trying out their new flexible seating that was purchased with grant funds awarded by the Snyder Education Foundation!
Flexible seating gives students the option to control the physical environment in which they work best. It also helps give them the autonomy and comfort to stay engaged and focused.
To learn more about how you can become involved in the Snyder Education Foundation, visit their website at The foundation gives our schools the ability to offer opportunities and programs to students beyond those already afforded through district funding.
Last week, Mrs. Cowley's 4th-grade Dual Language Class studied argumentative writing and kids in business. They spent a whole week making and planning their own businesses and learning about young entrepreneurs. On Friday, they did a pretend "Shark Tank" TV Show where each student got the chance to be the "entrepreneur" presenting to the "sharks".
#webelieveinsisd #duallanguage #sharktank
“One of the worst days in America’s history saw some of the bravest acts in Americans’ history. We’ll always honor the heroes of 9/11. And here at this hallowed place, we pledge that we will never forget their sacrifice.”
—President George W. Bush at the Pentagon in 2008
On Friday, we payed tribute to our first responders and armed forces. Today we remember and continue to honor those who stand ready to protect, serve, and sacrifice for our freedoms, safety, and country.
While we celebrate homecoming today, we also honor those who serve. Before tonight's game, we will pause to reflect on the commitment and sacrifice of our first responders, active-duty military, and veterans. We hope you will join us for this special tribute at Tiger Stadium before the game at 6:30pm.
Unfortunately, we have to restrict access to Tiger Stadium due to recent incidents of trespassing and theft. The gates will be locked when not in use and anyone who breaks into the stadium will be considered trespassing; Snyder ISD will press charges as necessary.
We are fortunate to have fantastic facilities and we want our students and the community to be able to enjoy them for years to come. If you have any questions about renting or reserving the facilities, please call 325-574-8960 or email
🖤💛H O M E C O M I N G E V E N T S ! 💛🖤
THURSDAY 9/9/2021
⭐️Parade starting at 6:00 PM
⭐️Pep Rally to follow on Tiger Gym Steps
Parade participants will line up at Moffett Field then will travel south on Houston and turn left into the park. Turns left on Denison Ave. (towards SHS), then turns right on 42nd to make the block around SHS ending in front of Tiger Gym for the Pep Rally!
FRIDAY 9/10/2021
⭐️Pep Rally 8:00 AM (Visitors' stands of Tiger Stadium)
⭐️Pre-Game Meal Hosted by the SHS Band 5:00 - 7:00 PM (Enchilada Casserole Dinner & Dessert $10/plate)
⭐️Football Game 7:00 PM
The Homecoming King will be announced during the pep rally Friday morning and the Homecoming Queen will be announced Friday night during halftime!
#gotigers #tigernation #tigerpride #snydertigers #webelieveinsisd
Discounted tickets for this Friday's football game against Levelland will be on sale Friday from 7am -2pm. The cost will be $5 for adults and $3 for students.
Tickets at the gate: $7 for adults and students.
Tickets are sold at the athletic office at 3901 Denison Ave.
Tickets are sold at the athletic office 3901 Denison Ave. Please help us spread the word!
#tigerpride #weoverme
Discounted tickets for this Friday's football game against Levelland will be on sale Friday from 7am -2pm. The cost will be $5 for adults and $3 for students.
Tickets at the gate: $7 for adults and students.
Tickets are sold at the athletic office at 3901 Denison Ave.
Tickets are sold at the athletic office 3901 Denison Ave. Please help us spread the word!
#tigerpride #weoverme
Remember, Monday, September 6th is a district holiday. There will be no school for students and all offices will be closed. We will see you on Tuesday, September 7th!
➡️View the district calendar, online anytime:
Tuesday, August 31st at 12:30 pm we will host an online Q&A regarding three-week progress reports. We will review how Schoology can give you an insight into your child's coursework and how you can check the official grade book through Skyward.
Is there anything specific you would like us to cover? Please ask using the Q&A feature during the webinar or email We will do our best to answer your questions live.
Snyder primary and intermediate schools will cancel campus lunch visits immediately. This includes dropping off meals for your student. We apologize for this, but we have to limit the amount of exposure for staff and students at this time to attempt to keep us healthy and at school. We are hopeful that we can make plans soon to allow lunch visitors again. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility.
IMPORTANT: if your child is sick, they need to stay home from school. Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 must stay home and may not come to school (per 25 Tex. Admin. Code § 97.7.). Students or staff should stay home if they have a fever greater than 100°F, sore throat, cough, body aches, vomiting, or diarrhea. Like with any illness, students may not return to school if they have a fever of 100.0 or above. If your child is taking medication to control their fever, they must stay home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
If your child is absent for any reason, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify the child’s school. Because virtual learning is not an option, it is critical to make arrangements to make up any missed assignments.
IMPORTANT: if your child is sick, they need to stay home from school. Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 must stay home and may not come to school (per 25 Tex. Admin. Code § 97.7.). Students or staff should stay home if they have a fever greater than 100°F, sore throat, cough, body aches, vomiting, or diarrhea. Like with any illness, students may not return to school if they have a fever of 100.0 or above. If your child is taking medication to control their fever, they must stay home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
If your child is absent for any reason, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to notify the child’s school. Because virtual learning is not an option, it is critical to make arrangements to make up any missed assignments.
#2 Parents, did you know that you can see the vaccinations we have on file through Skyward? Just click on the "health info" tab to find out what we have on file.
Remember, school vaccination rules are in effect for the 2021-2022 school year. Students should be up-to-date, in the process of receiving vaccines, or have a valid exemption on file when school starts. Parents should forward the vaccine record to the campus nurse so that they can update their files. Should you have any questions please contact the nurse at your child’s campus.
#1 If you haven't already, please register your child before August 6th. Online registration is open and should only take about 10 minutes to complete! All students need to be registered for school. If your student did not attend Snyder ISD last year, you will need to complete the enrollment paperwork first. Enrollment and registration links ➡️
✏️📕We've posted the school supply lists for the 2021-2022 school year!