The SISD community must work together to fight COVID-19. Head to for vitally important public health guidance to stop the spread. If we stand apart as a community now, we will be together again soon. La comunidad del SISD debe trabajar en equipo para luchar contra COVID-19. Visite la página Https:// para obtener información vital sobre como detener el contagio. Si nos mantenemos separados ahora, estaremos juntos más pronto.
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Mr. Maney, our STEM Coordinator, has taken part in another fantastic At-Home STEM Learning Experience and he wanted to share with our SISD Family! Texas 4-H is offering FREE Virtual Space Camp for students. Each week is new activities and an opportunity to work virtually with students from all over the world! Check out the Facebook link to get your family registered and learn alongside Mr. Maney!
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Do you have questions on how grades will be calculated during this time and or summer learning options? SISD Assistant Superintendent Rachael McClain and Public Information Officer Valerie Morris will host a live Q&A Wednesday, April 1st at 10:00 am on the SISD Facebook page at In an effort to be better prepared, please email your questions to We look forward to hearing from you!
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Governor Abbott announced that schools will remain closed until May 4, 2020, due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We had prepared for this possibility and will continue with the virtual education platform we have established through the At-Home Learning Hub. If you are unable to access your child’s schoolwork online, please call 325-574-8900 or email to discuss options. We appreciate the support you have shown our staff and most of all, your support to continue your child’s education. Meal service will continue as will the virtual wifi hotspots. We will continue to keep you updated and encourage you to reach out to us anytime.
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Do you have questions on how grades will be calculated during this time? Information on grading and summer learning programs can be found on the SISD website at: If your student is having difficulty, we are here to help. Please contact your child's campus or email
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Ready, Set, HERE WE GO!! SISD is excited to announce the At-Home Learning Hub. Online instruction will begin on Monday, March 23 for all SISD students! Our staff and faculty have worked extremely hard this week in preparation for this launch date. Fear not! We have put in place a complete resource directory for parents and students. After reading this post, please take the time to tour the SISD At-Home Learning Hub located at First things first, watch the SISD At-Home Learning Hub Explanation Video before visiting any of the platforms. Families, students can expect contact from their teachers at least three times a week. This will be through the communication methods listed below: Phone Individual campus offices and central office numbers will be answered between the hours of 8 am - 4 pm Monday - Friday. Central Office 325-574-8900 Snyder Primary School 325-574-8600 Snyder Intermediate School 325-574-8650 Snyder Junior High School 325-574-8700 Snyder High School 325-574-8800 Food Service 325-574-8620 Special Education Questions 325-574-8686 Athletics: 325-574-8831 Staff may be trying to contact you by phone, please be sure to allow blocked calls and answer No Caller ID numbers. ••If you speak Spanish and need translation your call will be routed to the appropriate person. Email In addition to the campus-specific communication methods listed below, all teachers will be available to communicate via Snyder ISD email. Email lists can be found by visiting, clicking on schools to select your child’s campus, and then clicking on the staff icon at the top of the menu. General Questions:
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Attached is this week's lunch and breakfast menu. Please note: The menu may change depending on supply.
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Good morning SISD! The Weekly Updates Newsletter is back and hot off the press! SISD Superintendent Eddie Bland and SISD board of trustee president Ralph Ramon have a very special message for you this morning! In this week's updates you will also find a few videos from other special people in our district! Tune in and learn more at:
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Snyder ISD and Responsive Education Solutions Announce Junior High Leadership for the 2020-2021 School Year Snyder, TX, March 28, 2020-- Snyder ISD and Responsive Education Solutions, the largest charter school system in the state, have formalized a partnership for the 2020-21 academic school year. Dr. Alan Wimberley, the Chief Education Architect from ResponsiveEd states, “While a relationship between a nonprofit charter school company and a traditional school district would seem to be difficult at best, the educators in the community are carving a new path, and forging fresh ground, for other educators to follow.” Leaders from ResponsiveEd and SISD believe 2020-2021 will prove to be the most exciting and successful year for Snyder Junior High School. While the TEA has listed Snyder Junior High as “Improvement Required” for the past five years, the partnership is seen as a positive change for campus culture and outcomes. Dr. Wimberley states, “From day one, I genuinely know that Snyder educators will resolve Snyder issues. However, I’m also proud to lead in this effort because the educators and community here are already making me feel welcomed and I’m excited to commit all of my energy and time to be in Snyder. Dr. Wimberley is pleased to announce the 2020-2021Team of Deans for the junior high. Snyder Junior High Head of School: Jerry Russell Dean of Academics: Rebecca Mebane Dean of Operations: Joshua Parker Dean of Instruction: Brittany Arellano Dean of Students: Dr. Keith Parker Dean of Academic Advising: To be announced Dean of Athletics: Garrett Tiner Dean of Premier Academy: Seth Summers This Team of Deans will manage the daily academic and operations of the campus. Dr. Wimberley will serve as the education architect and will focus on the instructional and learning capacity of the school. The junior high campus will implement the IQ Precision Mastery Learning System which will leverage the best of teachers and technology to offer students the most optimum learning environment possible. “I’ve already been so impressed with the talent and capacity I’ve seen in Snyder educators, I am fully confident in their ability to do whatever it takes for kids here. Make no mistake. We will be successful,” Dr. Wimberley states. “But this will not happen because of me. It will happen because of us.” ResponsiveEd has been developing innovative learning systems for the past 18 years. Jerry Russell, newly appointed Head of Schools states, “ResponsiveEd will bring a fresh, successful, proven system of education that will be a roadmap for the future and a template for the best we can offer for future generations.” The leadership of Snyder ISD, as well as the leadership at Responsive Education Solutions, are excited for the partnership and the opportunity to do more for kids here in our community. For more information: Contact Snyder ISD Public Information Officer, Valerie Morris at 325-574-8900
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Snyder ISD and Responsive Education Solutions Announce Junior High Leadership for the 2020-2021 School Year Snyder, TX, March 28, 2020-- Snyder ISD and Responsive Education Solutions, the largest charter school system in the state, are formalizing a partnership for the 2020-21 academic school year. Dr. Alan Wimberley, the Chief Education Architect from ResponsiveEd states, “While a relationship between a nonprofit charter school company and a traditional school district would seem to be difficult at best, the educators in the community are carving a new path, and forging fresh ground, for other educators to follow.” Leaders from ResponsiveEd and SISD believe 2020-2021 will prove to be the most exciting and successful year for Snyder Junior High School. While the TEA has listed Snyder Junior High as “Improvement Required” for the past five years, the partnership is seen as a positive change for campus culture and outcomes. Dr. Wimberley states, “From day one, I genuinely know that Snyder educators will resolve Snyder issues. However, I’m also proud to lead in this effort because the educators and community here are already making me feel welcomed and I’m excited to commit all of my energy and time to be in Snyder. Dr. Wimberley is pleased to announce the 2020-2021Team of Deans for the junior high. Snyder Junior High Head of School: Jerry Russell Dean of Academics: Rebecca Mebane Dean of Operations: Joshua Parker Dean of Instruction: Brittany Arellano Dean of Students: Dr. Keith Parker Dean of Academic Advising: To be announced Dean of Athletics: Garrett Tiner Dean of Premier Academy: Seth Summers This Team of Deans will manage the daily academic and operations of the campus. Dr. Wimberley will serve as the education architect and will focus on the instructional and learning capacity of the school. The junior high campus will implement the IQ Precision Mastery Learning System which will leverage the best of teachers and technology to offer students the most optimum learning environment possible. “I’ve already been so impressed with the talent and capacity I’ve seen in Snyder educators, I am fully confident in their ability to do whatever it takes for kids here. Make no mistake. We will be successful,” Dr. Wimberley states. “But this will not happen because of me. It will happen because of us.” ResponsiveEd has been developing innovative learning systems for the past 18 years. Jerry Russell, newly appointed Head of Schools states, “ResponsiveEd will bring a fresh, successful, proven system of education that will be a roadmap for the future and a template for the best we can offer for future generations.” The leadership of Snyder ISD, as well as the leadership at Responsive Education Solutions, are excited for the partnership and the opportunity to do more for kids here in our community. For more information: Contact Snyder ISD Public Information Officer, Valerie Morris at 325-574-8900
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Snyder ISD and Responsive Education Solutions Announce Junior High Leadership for the 2020-2021 School Year Snyder, TX, March 28, 2020-- Snyder ISD and Responsive Education Solutions, the largest charter school system in the state, are formalizing a partnership for the 2020-21 academic school year. Dr. Alan Wimberley, the Chief Education Architect from ResponsiveEd states, “While a relationship between a nonprofit charter school company and a traditional school district would seem to be difficult at best, the educators in the community are carving a new path, and forging fresh ground, for other educators to follow.” Leaders from ResponsiveEd and SISD believe 2020-2021 will prove to be the most exciting and successful year for Snyder Junior High School. While the TEA has listed Snyder Junior High as “Improvement Required” for the past five years, the partnership is seen as a positive change for campus culture and outcomes. Dr. Wimberley states, “From day one, I genuinely know that Snyder educators will resolve Snyder issues. However, I’m also proud to lead in this effort because the educators and community here are already making me feel welcomed and I’m excited to commit all of my energy and time to be in Snyder. Dr. Wimberley is pleased to announce the 2020-2021Team of Deans for the junior high. Snyder Junior High Head of School: Jerry Russell Dean of Academics: Rebecca Mebane Dean of Operations: Joshua Parker Dean of Instruction: Brittany Arellano Dean of Students: Dr. Keith Parker Dean of Academic Advising: To be announced Dean of Athletics: Garrett Tiner Dean of Premier Academy: Seth Summers This Team of Deans will manage the daily academic and operations of the campus. Dr. Wimberley will serve as the education architect and will focus on the instructional and learning capacity of the school. The junior high campus will implement the IQ Precision Mastery Learning System which will leverage the best of teachers and technology to offer students the most optimum learning environment possible. “I’ve already been so impressed with the talent and capacity I’ve seen in Snyder educators, I am fully confident in their ability to do whatever it takes for kids here. Make no mistake. We will be successful,” Dr. Wimberley states. “But this will not happen because of me. It will happen because of us.” ResponsiveEd has been developing innovative learning systems for the past 18 years. Jerry Russell, newly appointed Head of Schools states, “ResponsiveEd will bring a fresh, successful, proven system of education that will be a roadmap for the future and a template for the best we can offer for future generations.” The leadership of Snyder ISD, as well as the leadership at Responsive Education Solutions, are excited for the partnership and the opportunity to do more for kids here in our community. For more information: Contact Snyder ISD Public Information Officer, Valerie Morris at 325-574-8900
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Ready, Set, HERE WE GO!! SISD is excited to announce the At-Home Learning Hub. Online instruction will begin on Monday, March 23 for all SISD students! Our staff and faculty have worked extremely hard this week in preparation for this launch date. Fear not! We have put in place a complete resource directory for parents and students. After reading this post, please take the time to tour the SISD At-Home Learning Hub located at…/page/online-instruction--2 First things first, watch the SISD At-Home Learning Hub Explanation Video before visiting any of the platforms. Families, students can expect contact from their teachers at least three times a week. This will be through the communication methods listed below: Phone Individual campus offices and central office numbers will be answered between the hours of 8 am - 4 pm Monday - Friday. Central Office 325-574-8900 Snyder Primary School 325-574-8600 Snyder Intermediate School 325-574-8650 Snyder Junior High School 325-574-8700 Snyder High School 325-574-8800 Food Service 325-574-8620 Special Education Questions 325-574-8686 Athletics: 325-574-8831 Staff may be trying to contact you by phone, please be sure to allow blocked calls and answer No Caller ID numbers. ••If you speak Spanish and need translation your call will be routed to the appropriate person. Email In addition to the campus-specific communication methods listed below, all teachers will be available to communicate via Snyder ISD email. Email lists can be found by visiting, clicking on schools to select your child’s campus, and then clicking on the staff icon at the top of the menu. General Questions:
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Snyder Intermediate School- Are you ready to begin online instruction? Be sure to check out the At-Home Learning Hub on the SISD website. Principal Russell has an introduction video that you will not want to miss! Your direct link to the SIS hub is
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Snyder ISD will provide FREE breakfast and lunch while the campuses are closed to students because of the COVID-19 virus. All children 18 years old and younger are eligible. Adult meals will be available for $2 and may be paid for with cash or check. Breakfast and lunch will be served to-go and will be available for pickup Monday - Saturday, March 23rd - April 3rd, from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm. Menus and curb side pick up locations can be found at
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Attached is the correct link for the Snyder ISD At Home Learning Hub Explanation.
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
SFE Foodservice will provide free breakfast and lunch for students 18 & under. Monday - Saturday March 23rd - April 3rd 11:30am - 1:00pm Curbside Pick-up locations: Snyder Primary School - Westside driveway (by cafetorium) Coliseum - 900 E Coliseum Dr. Travis Gym: 2605 Ave. M Greenhill Area: Andreas and N.College Avenue. All meals will be served to-go. For questions call: 325-574-8620 or email
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Food Service
The SISD Broadcasting team will be going live at 1:00. Anticipated guests are officials from Cogdell Memorial. Please tune in!
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Parents, we hope this collective schedule will help you as you prepare to pick up necessary academic needs from your student's campuses. Please remember at the SIS, SPS and SJHS campuses you are asked to stay in your vehicles and allow the staff to assist you. SHS will utilize the glass office only. Thank you for your flexibility and teamwork! Click on the link for the collective schedule.
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Collective schedule
Reminder: SIS Parents, please be advised! Parents of Snyder Intermediate students need to come to the Intermediate School to pick up online access usernames and passwords for students. Access cards are necessary to ensure your student can access the online curriculum that will be provided. We will be available during the following dates and times. Wednesday, March 18th from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, March 19th from 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, March 20th from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please use the El Paso street drive through (drop off and pick up lanes) and remain in your vehicle at all times. We will have staff waiting to hand you the student's access cards. We appreciate your willingness to walk with us through this journey! Your flexibility and teamwork are beneficial to the success of our students! Thank you!! Jerry Russell Snyder Intermediate Principal
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
Intermediate Announcement
3/18 SISD Update: Snyder ISD families, thank you for your patience as we make these important decisions to protect the health of our students, staff, and community. We have made the decision to remain closed through Friday, April 3rd. On Wednesday, April 1st, we will make a decision whether or not to reopen the week of April 6th. Expect a call over the next few days from your child’s teacher with information. If you have not heard from your child’s teacher by Friday, March, 20th at 12 pm, please contact your child’s school. Again, we will remain closed through Friday, April 3rd. If you have any questions please contact your child’s school or email
almost 5 years ago, SISD Communications
3/18 update