Let's compare calendars

Grab a pen, your digital calendar, or however you keep track of events, and let's compare schedules! It's another busy week across the district, and we don't want anyone to miss out on all of the fun!

Monday 9/12

• Snyder Intermediate Book Fair (All Week)

• Snyder High School Open House 6pm - 8pm

Tuesday 9/13

• Snyder Intermediate Book Fair Family Night 5pm - 7pm

• SHS Lady Tiger Volleyball vs. Albany (F: 4:30 JH, JV: 5:30, V: 6:30)

• SHS Varsity Tennis vs. Lakeview 4pm

Wednesday 9/14

• District Wide College Shirt Day - the staff will be wearing college shirts on Wednesdays, students are welcome to wear one too!

• SHS Cross Country @ Abilene Sears Park (JV Girls 9am, Varsity girls 9:30am, JV Boys 10am, Varisty Boys 10:30am)

• SHS Boys Basketball Booster Club meeting 7pm - 8pm

Thursday 9/15

• Snyder Primary School International Dot Day

• SJH Football @ Monahans 

  • 7A 4:30, 7B 6pm: 809 S. Betty Ave. Monahans 79756
  • 8B 4:30, 8A 6pm: 700 W. Tenth St. Monahans 79756

• SJH 8th A & B Volleyball @ Forsan Tournament (times TBD)

• SHS JV Football vs. Monahans

• SHS JV Tennis @ Lakeview 4pm

Friday 9/16

• Snyder Primary School Yearbook Pictures

• Snyder Primary & Intermediate Dual Language Program Fiesta (Dual Language Parents & Students)

• SHS Spirit Day - Night Night Loboes (Wear your PJs - must meet dress code)

• SHS Varsity Football @Monahans: 7pm (Online ticket link: https://www.mwpisd.esc18.net/47730_1)

Saturday 9/17

• SJH 8th A & B Volleyball @ Forsan Tournament (times TBD)

• SHS Volleyball vs. Denver City & Jim Ned in Snyder (times TBD) F: 10:00/12:00 JH, JV: 10:00/12:00 JH, 10:00/1:00

• SHS Varsity Tennis @ Big Spring 10am

All schedules are subject to change

Be sure to check www.snyderisd.net or the calendars in ParentSquare for the latest information!