Travis Thompson, a Junior at Snyder High School, recently won Reserve Grand Champion Broiler at the Scurry County Livestock Show. In addition to the big win, Travis and his classmates benefited from an authentic farm-to-table learning experience.
Following the stock show, Snyder ISD Agricultural Science teacher, Jordan Gates, taught his students how to process a chicken properly. “Travis’ chickens weren’t the only ones we processed, but between his and others, we processed about 50 this year in my Food Processing and Technology Class. I am so proud of Travis and the way he has found his niche through FFA. That’s what the FFA organization and I are all about.” said Gates.
The following week, Travis shared his late grandmother’s chicken and dumplings recipe with his classmates in Mrs. Butler’s Culinary Arts class. Mrs. Butler said, “I love when the students bring in family recipes. It allows them to share something special with the rest of the class.” While the chicken cooked, Travis showed his classmates how to prepare the dumplings properly. “Travis is a great kid in the kitchen. I'm proud of all he has accomplished,” Butler said.
In addition to the culinary arts and agricultural science classes, Snyder High School offers a comprehensive Career and Technical Education Program. Through these programs, students can learn skills and gain knowledge both in and outside the classroom to prepare them for life after high school. Janell Martin, Director of College, Career, and Military Readiness, stated, “When students can combine skills learned through various CTE Programs of Studies, and fully see the impact of applying that knowledge and skills, the experience is meaningful and often life changing. They can begin planning potential future careers based on their interest and gained knowledge.”
#ctemonth #ffa #cullinaryarts #webelieveinsisd
Mr. Jordan Gates & Travis Thompson
Jacob Olivarez, Antonio Martinez, and Sabino Rosas
Travis Thompson, Lilli Cribbs, and Zach Miller
Joseph Hernandez and Travis Thompson
Mrs. Lisa Butler and Travis Thompson